We're Good To Go

We're Good To Go and have been welcoming our first guests for the summer which is great news! The “We’re Good To Go” industry standard mark is a self-assessment scheme that has been designed by VisitEngland in partnership with the national tourist organisations Tourism Northern Ireland, VisitScotland and Visit Wales to provide a ‘ring of confidence’ for all sectors of the tourism industry, as well as reassurance to visitors that businesses have clear processes in place and are following industry and Government COVID-19 guidance on cleanliness and social distancing.

The “We’re Good To Go” industry standard mark designed by Visit England in partnership with the other national tourist organisations to provide confidence for all sectors of the tourism industry, as well as reassurance to visitors that businesses have clear processes in place and are following industry and Government COVID-19 guidance on cleanliness and social distancing. You should look for this, or a similar accreditation, when you are booking your break this summer.

We will send you an up to date letter explaining the procedures when you book and this will changes as the guidance gets updated or we get guest feedback.

These are the main things you need to know...

If you or anyone in your group has any symptoms of COVID-19 including a high temperature,a new persistent cough or a new loss or change to your sense of taste and smell please do not visit us at this time. We will help you re-arrange your holiday.

Our welcome will always be very warm but when you check in and check out we will now keep our distance and ask you to do the same. Consider paying your bill on line direct to our bank.

We all need to follow social distancing guidelines and we will maintain the 1m+ distance and 2m where we can. If we need to get closer for example to serve breakfast we will wear a mask. We will make sure we don't enter your room when you are in it and the guest lounge will be closed for the time being. We will ask everyone to remember social distancing as they move around the B&B.

If you don't want us to enter your room for daily cleaning then please ask as we can provide most things you may need without entering your room.

Our rooms will be slightly different will all extra items, hairdryers, blankets and cushions removed. These will still be available on request but will be disinfected and put in storage for 72 hours before being available to a new guest.

You will have an assigned breakfast table and of course our delicious breakfast and all our usual items using local produce will still be available for you to order. At busy times we may need to stagger breakfast times and ask you to pre-order your food.

The key to keep us all safe will be our increased cleaning schedules using detergents and disinfectants. You will see us cleaning key touch points in and around the B&B much more frequently.

We all need to be thinking about hand washing and sanitising on a frequent basis. We will be asking guests to use the sanitiser every time you enter or leave the B&B and asking to wash your hands freqently and/or use sanitiser when you leave and enter your own room and certainly when you enter the Breakfast Room.

Fresh air circulating is really important with windows and doors being opened whenever possible to ensure a steady flow of fresh air around the B&B. We strongly encourage all our guests to open windows in their rooms.

We look forward to welcoming you soon.

Sally & Paul